Monday, May 04, 2015

Green field project


"My mate from New Zealand and I have got a great idea and it's going to make us a lot of money. He's obtained a few fossil bones of Dinornis novaezelandiae, you know, that flightless herbivore bird about 3 metres tall that was hunted to extinction for food a few hundred years ago in New Zealand?

"We've found a lab that's extracted some DNA, and we're going to cross it with a modern-day kiwi.

"That way, we'll get a garden-sized bird that will live off grass and require no fuel to operate."

"OK, I can see it would be fun to have around and a talking-point with the neighbours, but what's with the "operate" and where's the money-making angle?"

"We're going to market it as a lawn moa."

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